
Challenge of the End of the world: some progress

Fourth month of the Challenge and some of us made e turbo-boost... while others are in stand-by… 

   Stunt painted only one mini last month... And because what is assembled cannot be included,  he has one big work of painting in the next days!

    With the tournaments of Dinan and Saumur, Tunio bosted his painting speed.  He added no less than 674 points in one month: 1 lord, 12 warriors, 2 Destroyers Heavy, 3 Spectras. What makes a total of 2153 points of Nécrons!

   For my part, painting advances gently. I have to work in my new house^^. The scouts passed to 10. What makes us 2250pts of Doom Angels for the month d' April.

1 comment:

  1. Heavy Destroyers & Wraiths (not Spectras) if you want to use the terms of the Codex ;)
