
Armorcast Warhound #1 - 17

Drawing some sketches for the warhound's leg design.

The princeps' emblem will be a unicorn, on a blue circle.
(I'm totally in unicorns, sorry)

Now, back to the banner's design.


Armorcast Warhound #1 - 16

 The more time I pass working on the warhound, the more I feel it needs to be a Rogue Trader inspired model.

As I know I'll get an apocalyspe Death Guard Pre-Heresy army, I decided to take this warhound back in time and paint it with an 80's color scheme and RT's time marks and identifications.
On the left, last tries and redo for the banner.

It'll be a killing banner.

Divided in two equal parts.

  • On the left, keep it white except for a Moon Knights symbol recall.
  • On the right, a pattern for the kills.

The blue round with a unicorn is the Princeps insignia.


Armorcast Warhound #1 - 15

Shield generator fabricated, glued and ready for the paint.

And now I placed the banner support to the backwards position, I need... a banner.

I'm working on it, as you can see on the left.


Armorcast Warhound #1 - 14

Now the superbowl is over, I can finally post.
(even if I'm french, I was in front of my tv to watch it !)

I decided to add a shield generator to the warhound.

It will be inspired by the Knight Errant, still in WiP.

On the left, some sketches to get it right.
I'm not far away from the final form.

As you can see above, I prepared a paper form before cutting the plastic.
It help to see the generator IRL. Almost.
Finally, the generator will have a diamond shape, and will be smaller.
Last but not least, the banner will be moved backwards.


Armorcast Warhound #1 - 13

Working on the banner's chains.

I used .8mm chains.

Now I need to find the best length.